Saturday, June 29, 2013

It's Still Saturday, So It's Still On Time!!!

Okay, I am so weak when it comes to exposition dialogue, cause it's a mass of stuff rather than expressions.  Anyways, photoshopping text off of a complex background is a huge bitch to do.

Only had enough time to tackle on 3 pages this time, sorry.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Update: I QUIT!!!

So I've been trying to translate that one Yuatari manga for a good couple of months now.  Problem is, the difficulty level is 8/10, so it takes so long to translate just one page.

Which is why I put that on hold and decided to do something easier and tried to translate a bara webmanga I found on Pixiv.  It's called, RugbyxBuilder(I think)

Apparently, it's about a guy who wants to start a bodybuilding club at his university.